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こんなニュース、配信されてましたっけ? クリスマスと年末の喧噪で見逃したかな? それとも日本のニュースルームではキワモノとして無視されたか。ま、休みにも入ってるしなあ。





Researchers find gay penguins in Japanese aquariums
Agence France-Presse
Tokyo,?December 25|19:23 IST

Researchers have found a number of same-sex pairs of penguins at aquariums in Japan, with an imbalance between the numbers of male and female birds suspected to be the cause, a report said on Saturday.

A research group led by Keisuke Ueda, professor of behavioural ecology at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, found about 20 same-sex pairs at 16 major aquariums and zoos, Kyodo news agency said.

Penguins in captivity "may be more likely to form same-sex pairs" due to?the?difficulty of finding partners of the opposite sex because breeding facilities in Japan only have an average of 20 birds, the agency quoted Ueda as saying.

It is not known if the frequency of homosexuality is higher than in the wild, where telling the sexes apart is tough, he said.

Many of the gay male pairs and two of the female pairs were seen performing mounting behaviour, it said.

Ueda was not available for comment on the report on Saturday.


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