国境の壁をめぐる非常事態宣言記者会見の受け答えを聴きながら、思わず「矛盾してるだろ」と一人ツッコミをしたのは私だけではないはずです。「喫緊の事態に対応しなければならない」という宣言のはずが、トランプは「I could do the wall over a longer period of time(壁はもっと時間をかけることもできた)」「I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster(こうする必要はなかったが、もっと手早くやりたかった)」と口にしたのです。このどこが非常事態なのか?
どこかに使えるカネがないか? 6年前、2013年から始まったネットフリックスの人気政治ドラマ『House of Cards(邦題ハウス・オブ・カード)』では、悪辣の極みのフランク・アンダーウッド大統領が自分の人気取り政策である雇用創出プログラム「アメリカ・ワークス」を実行に移すため、まさに非常事態宣言を行って連邦緊急事態管理庁(FEMA)にプールの30億ドルの災害緊急基金を転用するアイディアを思いつきます。
補佐官は「スタフォード法によると、非常事態とは大統領の決定に基づく状況下で──」「つまり非常事態を決定するのは大統領ということだな。どんな場合でも?」「はい、人命や公衆衛生、治安を守る目的であれば」「失業は犯罪を増やし健康を害し社会を不安にする」「しかし訴訟になります」「訴訟になるころには(プログラムの)効用も理解される」「しかしこんな予算の再分配はこれまでどんな大統領もやったことがありません」「Thank you gentlemen. That's all I need!(ありがとう、諸君。知りたいのはそれだけだ!)」
「白人」の「男性」の「異性愛者」はアメリカ社会で常に歴史の主人公の立場にいました。彼らはすべての文章の中で常に「主語」の位置にいたのです。そうして彼ら「主語」が駆使する「動詞」の先の「目的語(object=対象物)」の位置には、「黒人」と「女性」と「同性愛者」がいた。彼らは常に「主語」によって語られる存在であり、使われる存在であり、どうとでもされる存在でした。ところが急に「黒人」たちが語り始めるのです。語られる一方の「目的語=対象物」でしかなかった「黒人」たちが、急に「主語」となって「I Have a Dream!(私には夢がある!)」と話し出したのです。続いて「女性」たちが「The Personal is Political(個人的なことは政治的なこと)」と訴え始め、「同性愛者」たちが「Enough is Enough!(もう充分なんだよ!)」と叫び出したのです。
8月16日、全米の新聞社の3割にあたる300社とも400社とも言われる新聞媒体がトランプの一連のメディア攻撃を批判する社説を一斉に掲載しました。ことあるごとに自分の意に沿わないニュースを「フェイク・ニュース!」と断じ、7月20日のNYタイムズのA.G.ザルツバーガー発行人(38)との会談では「フェイク・ニュース」ジャーナリストを「国民の敵 Enemy of the People」とまで言ったトランプに対し、ボストン・グローブ紙が呼びかけたこの対抗運動のSNS上でのハッシュタグは「#EnemyOfNone(誰の敵でもない)」です。
その兆候が7月31日のフロリダ・タンパでのトランプのMAGA(Make America Great Again)集会でした。そこでCNNのホワイトハウス担当キャップであるジム・アコスタが現場リポートをしようとしたところ、その中継が「CNN SUCKS(CNNは腐ってる)」の罵声で囲まれました。「FUCK the MEDIA(メディアをやっつけろ)」のTシャツを着た人、「Tell the truth!(本当のことを言え!)」と叫ぶ人たちの中で「Q」という文字の付いたキャップやTシャツを着ている人たちも目立ちました。中には大きく「Q」と切り抜いたプラカードを掲げている人もいました。
ジャーナリズムへのこの執拗な攻撃、政権による特定メディアへの名指しの非難。なんだか日本でも同じことが起きているので気持ち悪くなるのですが、そういえば2016年11月、トランプ当選が決まってすぐにトランプタワーに彼を表敬訪問した安倍首相、自分とトランプとの共通点だとして言ったセリフが「あなたはNYタイムズに徹底的にたたかれた。私もNYタイムズと提携している朝日新聞に徹底的にたたかれた。だが、私は勝った…」でした。大統領首席戦略官となるスティーヴ・バノンは安倍を指して「Trump before Trump(トランプが登場する前のトランプ」と形容したそうです。
You know(なあ), I told the story the other day(この話は前にもしたんだが), I was probably in Washington in my entire life 17 times(人生でワシントンに言ったのは多分17回だ). True(マジで), 17 times(17回). I don’t think I ever stayed overnight(泊まったことはないと思うが)… Again(もう一度言うが), I’ve only been here about 17 times(17回だ、あそこに行ったのは=【訳注:タンパにいるのにワシントンのことを here って、「ここはどこ?」状態なんでしょうか?】). And probably seven of those times was to check out the hotel I’m building on Pennsylvania Avenue(で、おそらくその中の7回はペンシルベニア・アベニューに建てているホテルの様子を見に行ったんだ=【訳注:これも時制がおかしいわ】) and then I hop on the plane and I go back(行ってもすぐに飛行機に乗って帰ったがな=【訳注:同前】). So I’ve been there 17 times(だから、行ったのは17回だ), never stayed there at night(泊まったことは一度もない). I don’t believe(ないと思う).
そもそもフェデラリストとは合衆国憲法の制定に際して連邦政府の権限を強化して保護貿易を支持した人々を指します。憲法解釈でもオリジナリズム(原文主義)を通し、カヴァノーも指名受諾スピーチで「判事は法律を作るのではなく法律を紹介する(must interpret the law, not make the law)ものだ」と故スカリア判事の格言を宣言しました。「A judge must interprets the statutes as written, and a judge must interprets the Constitution as written, informed by history, tradition, and precedent (判事は書かれている通りに法令を、憲法を紹介しなければならない。歴史と伝統と先例とに教えられながら)」という部分が彼の法への姿勢を表しているでしょう。法律があまりに恣意的に操作されるものになって、国家権力に対する抑制が利いていないとする立場です。そこには社会の変化に合わせて柔軟な法解釈を行ってきたリベラル政権への批判があります。(to intepret は「解釈する」という意味ですが、この場合は書かれている通りに忠実に introduce するというニュアンスだと思います)
“Say hello to your boy.(息子さんによろしく)Special guy(特別な男だ)”と。
Mr. Trump was apparently referring to Justice Kennedy’s son, Justin. The younger Mr. Kennedy spent more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, eventually rising to become the bank’s global head of real estate capital markets, and he worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.
During Mr. Kennedy’s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him for the renovation and construction of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago at a time other mainstream banks were wary of doing business with him because of his troubled business history.
4月27日の文在寅大統領と金正恩委員長との会談はアメリカのメディアではあまり騒がれませんでした。金正恩が登場したというのはニュースですが、内容的には既定路線の形式的な共同宣言だった、つまりは「お楽しみはこれからだ」的な、米朝首脳会談への橋渡しにとどまったせいかもしれません。その代わりこの日は、トランプが前日朝に電話出演したFOXニュースの「FOX and Friends」の話で持ちきりでした。30分間のべつまくなし喋り捲ったその「暴走トーク」の異常さにドン引きしていたのです。
ティラーソンは自分の周囲のスタッフをエクソン時代の人脈で固めます。というのもトランプがオバマの匂いのする大使や高官たちを次々とクビにしてその穴を埋めないからです。陰湿なイジメみたいなものです。ティラーソンは様々に人事を提案しますが、ホワイトハウスの人事局長を務める38歳のジョニー・デステファノは聞いても聞かなかった振りをします。自分の息子みたいな奴が彼を蔑ろにする。そこで昨夏のペンタゴンでの秘密会合での「Fucking Moron」発言です。CNNのインタビュー番組で本当にそう言ったのかと問われて、彼は深いところに笑みを隠した顔で「そういうつまらないことは相手にしない I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that.」とだけ言って、否定しなかった。
これで今アメリカでは to get Tillerson-ed という新語がSNS上で生まれました。「突然の縁切りをツイッターなどのSNSで知ることになる」という意味です。「I once tillersoned an ex by chenging my FaceBook status to "Single"」で、「FBで自分のことを『シングル』って変えて、元カレをティラーソンしちゃったことがあるの」という意味です。
新年最初のブログは、先日試写会で観てきた映画の話にします。『BPM ビート・パー・ミニット(Beat Per Minute)』。日本でも3月24日から公開されるそうです。パリのACT UPというPWH/PWA支援の実力行使団体を描いたものです。元々はニューヨークでエイズ禍渦巻く80年代後半に創設された団体ですが、もちろんウイルスに国境はありません。映画は昨年できた新作です。2017年のカンヌでグランプリを獲ったすごいものです。私も、しばらく頭がフル回転してしまって、言葉が出ませんでした。やっと書き終えた感想が次のものです。読んでください。そしてぜひ、この映画を観ることをお薦めします。
冒頭のAFLS(AGENCE FRANCAISE DE LUTTE CONTRE LE SIDA=フランス対エイズ闘争局)会議への乱入やその後の仲間内の議論のシーンを見ながら、私は数分の間これはドキュメンタリー映画だったのかと錯覚して混乱していました。いや、それにしては画質が新しすぎるし、ACT UPミーティングのカット割りから判断するにカメラは少なくとも3台は入っている。けれどこれは演技か? 俳優たちなのか? それは私が1993年からニューヨークで取材していたACT UPの活動そのものでした。白熱する議論、対峙する論理、提出される行動案、そして通底音として遍在する生と死の軋むような鬩ぎ合い。そこはまさに1993年のあの戦場でした。
ビル・マーというコメディアンが面白おかしく且つ辛辣に政治批評を展開する「Real Time with Bill Maher」というHBOの人気番組があります。先週末のその冒頭は、拍手喝采の中で登場したその彼が「いや、みんななんでそんなにご機嫌なのかわかってるって。ついさっきトランプがアメリカから出てったからね」と口火を切りました。ハワイとアジア歴訪に旅たった大統領を揶揄したものです。「ずいぶん気が楽になった。子供たちをサマーキャンプに送り出した親の気分だ」と。
▼12日間のアジア旅行。トランプに、あんたがいなくなったら一体この国の面倒は誰が見るんだと誰かが聞いたらしいんだが、トランプが言うには「誰だっけ? 俺がいる時には?」
▼訪れるのは中国、日本、フィリピン、ヴェトナム、韓国......トランプの「MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN」の帽子を作ってる国だ。
▼中でも中国は重要だよ。トランプはあそこに壁を視察に行くわけだから。あの壁(万里の長城=the Great Wall)のおかげで、あそこでメキシコ人の姿はもうずっと見ていない。あの壁はすごい。
▼それからヴェトナムだね。彼が昔、徴兵逃れで行かなかった国。それで今度はやっと大統領として行けたわけだ。誰だっけ、ドジャーズが負けたって言ったのは? (ドジャーズは「身をかわす人たち」の意味。つまり「徴兵回避の人たち」。ナショナルリーグの優勝決定戦で負けてワールドシリーズに行けなかったドジャーズに掛けて、実世界のドジャー=徴兵逃れのトランプはちゃっかり負けていないという皮肉)
▼ツイッターの従業員が退職最後の日にトランプのツイッターアカウントを11分間、消した。まあ色々あるが、私はその彼に言いたい。「Thank you for your service! (お務め、ありがとう!)」
その話にもあったロシアゲートですが、今週はマナフォートの次にあのマイケル・フリンが息子ともども逮捕・起訴されるという観測が出ました。ワシントン・ポストはトランプ周辺の計9人が選挙中及び就任移行期間中にロシアと接触したと報じ、大統領は大変な不機嫌の中で旅立ったとされています。そのせいか、エアフォース・ワンの中での同行記者の質問「今や中国の中で権力基盤を固めた習近平は世界で最も力のあるリーダーではないかと言われるが?」に、トランプはムッとしたのか「So am I(オレも同じだ)」と答えたそうです。常に誰かと比較して自分を位置付ける、そういう性格なのでしょう。
2日間にわたる会談を終えて共同記者会見に臨んだトランプは日本の経済を称賛し、そこでアドリブに転じて「I don’t know if it’s as good as ours. I think not, okay?(だが我々の経済ほどいいかはわからない。私は違うと思うよ、オーケイ?)」とすかさず自国民へのメッセージに変えました。
ワシントン・ポストはこの「オーケイ?」をまるで子供にウンと言わせる時の親の口調、と評しています。「And we’re going to try to keep it that way. But you’ll be second.(我々はずっとそのまま(1位)でいるつもりだが、でもキミたちが2番手なのは確かだ)」とトランプは続けました。安倍首相は隣でニヤニヤと曖昧に笑っていました。
なのでトランプが「両派ともにいい人々も悪い連中もいた」と言ったのは、「え、そこ?」というまったく枝葉末節な喧嘩両成敗論でした。彼が言ったように反白人至上主義者側にも先鋭的な暴力はあったでしょう。しかしそれをわざわざそこで強調するのは、この問題の本質からわざと目を逸らさせる、「アメリカの価値」への裏切り行為に他ならなかったのです。タブーを衝いて自分の型破りさを披瀝しつつ自分の数少ない支持者たちを喜ばせたがったのかもしれませんが、それは彼の大統領としての不適格性を露わにしてしまう以外何の意味もなかった。ロサンゼルス・タイムズは「Enough is Enough(もうたくさんだ)!」という社説でトランプを攻撃し、共和党議員からもトランプ擁護論は皆無です。そして、彼にそう対応しろと強く勧めたのもバノンだったのです。
150年前、南北戦争に負けた南部の白人男性たちにはいわゆる「Lost Cause of the Confideracy(南部連合州の失われた大義)」という苦々しい感情が遺りました。この場合の大義とは南部が南部であるアイデンティティのようなものです。それは騎士道精神であったり男らしさであったり、まあ、日本でいう大和魂みたいな南部の誇り、丸っと括れば南部魂のことでしょう。それは必ずしも奴隷制への執着を意味しないとも(言い訳気味に)言われています。
ところがここ数年、例のチャールストン黒人教会事件のディラン・ルーフに象徴されるように、右翼・白人至上主義者たちが南部連合旗やリー将軍を自分たちのアイコンとする動きが急激に高まりました。そんな中でシャーロッツビルの市議会も1年間の議論の末、右翼過激思想の白人たちに持ち上げられるリー将軍の銅像を撤去するとこの4月に決めたのです。そしてそれに反対する人々が「Unite the Right(右翼をまとめよう)」という旗印の下、最初に撤去賛成派と衝突したのが7月8日の集会でした。ですから今回は2度目の衝突になるわけです。
支持率33%(キニピアク大学)とか34%(ギャラップ)とかの数字のそう小さくはない部分は、7月8日、8月12日の衝突集会に集まってきた彼ら白人至上主義者たちが占めています。トランプがすでに「アメリカの価値ではない」とされるそんな彼らを指弾できずに「on many sides」(それもこのフレイズを2度も繰り返して強調したのです)の「this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence」を非難する、と、対象を曖昧にしてまるで喧嘩両成敗みたいにコメントしたのも、さらにその理由を記者会見で「白人至上主義者たちの支持が欲しいからですか?」と訊かれても答えずに退場したのも、彼らのそんな行動を後押ししているのが自分であるという自覚があるからです。
週明け15日の夕方になって、「トランプ、先週のホワイトハウスの会談でロシア外相にISISに関する重大な機密情報を漏らす」という爆弾スクープがワシントンポストによって放たれました。CNNはそれをWaPo情報として報じ、間もなくニューヨークタイムズが自ら同情報を独自に確認して"Trump boasted about highly classified intelligence in a meeting" (with the Russians.)(高度に機密な情報についてトランプは会談で自慢げに吹聴した)と報じたのです。
今回のテロ情報をロシアと共有して何が悪いのか? 実際、トランプは;
As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism
トランプはコミーのことを「He's a showboat, he's a grand-stander, the FBI has been in turmoil. You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that.」と呼びましたが、「FBI」の部分を「White House」に変えれば「He」とはまるでトランプその人のことです。ホワイトハウスは空中分解寸前なのです。
フリンはそもそもオバマ政権の時に機密情報を自分の判断で口外したり独断的で思い込みの激しい組織運営のために国防情報局(DIA)局長をクビになった人物です。当時のフリンを has only a loose connection to sanity(正気とゆるくしか繋がっていない)と評したメディアがあったのですが、事実と異なる情報を頻繁に主張したり、確固たる情報を思い込みで否定することが多く、そういうあやふやな情報は職員からは「フリン・ファクツ Flynn Facts」と呼ばれていました。まさに今の「オルタナティブ・ファクツ(もう一つ別の事実)」の原型です。
しかし空撮の写真を比較しても明らかなように(というか、オルトライトの連中はこの空撮写真自体をトリミングだとか角度が違うとかすり替えだとか加工だとか言ってるわけですが)、この過少報道内容は「事実」ではない。それを指摘されて、今度は同僚のケリーアン・コンウェイ新大統領顧問が「あなた方は虚偽だと言うが、スパイサーは別の事実 Alternative Fact を示したわけだ」とかばったのです。
いずれにしても日本のメディアは丸1日遅れで氏の「不名誉な情報」に関しても報道することになりました(裏取りは吹っ飛ばして)。その間にTVは勝手な憶測でトランプ氏を批判したり援護したりしていました。しかもCNNを排除した次の質問者の英BBCを、氏が「That's another beauty(これまた素晴らしい)」と言ったのを皮肉ではなく「ほめ言葉」として解説するという誤訳ぶり。BBCが「これまた素晴らしく」トランプ氏に批判的であることを彼らは総じて知らなかったわけです。
トランプ勝利後、ノースカロライナ州ダーナムの壁に大書された落書きは「BLACK LIVES DON"T MATTER AND NEITHER DOES YOUR VOTES(黒人の命は大事じゃない。黒人の票だって同じだ)」というものでした。それは英語の文法的には本当は「Neither DOES your votes」ではなくて「Neither DO your votes」とすべきところです。
マイケル・ムーアの新作映画『Michael Moore in Trumpland』で、彼も私と同じことを言っていました。ムーアは昨年、映画『Where to Invade Next?』を撮るためにエストニアに行ったそうです。かの国は出産時の女性の死亡率が世界で一番少ない国です。なぜか? 保険制度が充実しているからです。アメリカでは年間5万人の女性が死んでいるのに。
前回、トランプに対するジャーナリスムの総攻撃が始まったと書きました。トランプをここまでのさばらせたのもマスメディアです。いざとなったらその落とし前をつけて、アメリカのジャーナリズムは選挙前に事実チェックでトランプ降ろしを始めるだろうと言ってきましたが、まさにそれが今度はワシントン・ポストによって実践されました。しかも今度は「Grab them by the pussy」という発言の録音ビデオです。
「オルトライト」とは「オルタナティヴ・ライト Alternative Right」つまり「もうひとつ別の右派」「伝統的右翼とは違う右翼」のことで、本当は右翼かどうかも疑わしいのですが、この5〜6年、自分たちでそう呼んでくれと自称していた人たちのことです。トランプと同じく「政治的正しさ(Political correctness)なんか構ってられない」と、あるいはアメリカの主人公だった白人男たちの特権を取り戻せと、つまり「アメリカを取り戻す!(Make America Great Again!)」と言っている人たちです。
そもそも共和党は福音派などのキリスト教右派とか男性主義を貫こうとする銃規制反対派だとか、政府はカネを使うような余計なことはするな(=オレたちから余計な税金は取るな)式の小さな政府主義のリバタリアンとかネオリベの大企業や富裕層とか、あるいは異人種異文化を嫌う白人主義の南部・中西部の労働者層とか、利害も思惑も向いてる方向もまったく違う人々の奇妙な集合体なのですが、その微妙な均衡状態がトランプという稀代のトリックスターの登場で崩れてきているのです。そんな分裂を象徴するかのように、共通する団結の象徴はただ一つ、「Lock Her Up!(あの女を牢屋に入れろ!)」と、メール問題のヒラリー・クリントンへの敵対心を連呼することでした。いわばそれだけがこの共和党全国大会の全員共通のテーマなのです。
実は71年前の原爆投下の後で、7人いるアメリカの5つ星元帥及び提督の6人までが(マッカーサーやアイゼンハワー、ニミッツらです)原爆は軍事的に不必要で、道徳的に非難されるべきこと、あるいはその両方だと発言しています。その中の1人、ウィリアム・リーヒー提督は、原爆使用は「"every Christian ethic I have ever heard of and all of the known laws of war.(私の聞いたすべてのキリスト教的倫理、私の知るすべての戦争法)」に違反していると指摘し、「The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. In being the first to use it we adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the dark ages.(この野蛮な兵器を広島・長崎で使用したことは、日本に対する我らの戦争において何ら物理的支援ではなかった。これを使用する最初の国になることで、我々は暗黒時代の野蛮人たちに共通する倫理的基準を採用したのだ」とまで言っています。
これらはアメリカン大学のピーター・カズニック教授の「The Untold History of US War Crimes」(米国の戦争犯罪に関する語られない歴史)というインタビュー記事に中に出ています。
それによれば、戦争末期には日本の暗号はすべて米側に解読されていて、日本の軍部の混乱がつぶさにわかっていたのです。マッカーサーは「日本に対し、天皇制は維持すると伝えていたら日本の降伏は数ヶ月早まっていただろう」と発言しています。実際、1945年7月18日の電報傍受で、トルーマン大統領自身が「the telegram from the Jap emperor asking for peace.(日本の天皇=ジャップ・エンペラーからの和平希望の電報)」のことを知っていました。トルーマンはまた、欧州戦線の集結した1945年2月のヤルタ会談で、スターリンが3か月後に太平洋戦争に参戦してくるのに合意したと知っていました。その影響の大きさも。4月11日の統合参謀本部の情報部の分析報告ではすでに「If at any time the USSR should enter the war, all Japanese will realize that absolute defeat is inevitable. ソ連の参戦は、日本人すべてに絶対的な敗北が不可避であることを悟らせるだろう」と書いてあるのです。
さらに7月半ばのポツダムで、トルーマンはソ連の参戦を再びスターリンから直に確認しています。その時のトルーマンの日記は「Fini Japs when that comes about. そうなればジャップは終わり」と書いてあって、翌日には家で待つ妻宛の手紙で「We'll end the war a year sooner now, and think of the kids who won't be killed. 今や戦争は一年早く終わるだろう。子供達は死なずに済む」と書いていました。もちろん、日本の指導者達はそのことを知らなかったのです。
そして広島と長崎の原爆投下がありました。マッカーサーは広島の翌日に自分のパイロットに怒りをぶつけているそうです。そのパイロットの日記に「General MacArthur definitely is appalled and depressed by this Frankenstein monster. マッカーサー元帥は本当にショックを受けていて、このフランケンシュタインの怪物に滅入っていた」と記されていました。「フランケンシュタインの怪物」とは、人間の作ってしまったとんでもないもの、つまりは原爆のことです。
ただし、原爆が日本の降伏を早めた直接の契機ではなかったのです。46年1月、終戦直後の米戦争省の報告書は(最近になってワシントンDCの米海軍国立博物館が公式に見つけたものです)"The vast destruction wreaked by the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the loss of 135,000 people made little impact on the Japanese military. However, the Soviet invasion of Manchuria … changed their minds."(広島と長崎の爆弾投下によってもたらされた広範な破壊と13万5千人の死は日本の軍部へ少ししか衝撃を与えなかった。しかし、満州へのソビエトの侵攻こそが彼らの意見を変えた)として、日本の降伏を早めたのは原爆ではなくてソ連の満州侵攻だったのだと分析しています。
これでは長すぎて話になりません。ではその内容をよく知っている日本の新聞の英字版はどうなんだろうと、そちらを当たってみます。すると毎日新聞は「minister to promote '100 million active people'」(一億の活動的な国民をプロモートする大臣)。読売は「promoting dynamic engagement of all citizens」(全市民のダイナミックな参画を推し進める)。ジャパンタイムズは、これまた長いですが「minister in charge of building a society in which all 100 million people can play an active role」(一億国民全員が積極的役割を担えるような社会を建設する担当大臣)。
そんなことを考えていたらある人から「一億総活躍」にピッタリの英語熟語があると言われました。「ナショナル・モービライゼーション National Mobilization」。国家国民を(National)全て動かすこと(Mobilization)、はい、すなわち日本語の熟語で言うところの「国家総動員」という言葉です。
これでは長すぎて話になりません。ではその内容をよく知っている日本の新聞の英字版はどうなんだろうと、そちらを当たってみます。すると毎日新聞は「minister to promote '100 million active people'」(一億の活動的な国民をプロモートする大臣)。読売は「promoting dynamic engagement of all citizens」(全市民のダイナミックな参画を推し進める)。ジャパンタイムズは、これまた長いですが「minister in charge of building a society in which all 100 million people can play an active role」(一億国民全員が積極的役割を担えるような社会を建設する担当大臣)。
そんなことを考えていたらある人から「一億総活躍」にピッタリの英語熟語があると言われました。「ナショナル・モービライゼーション National Mobilization」。国家国民を(National)全て動かすこと(Mobilization)、はい、すなわち日本語の熟語で言うところの「国家総動員」という言葉です。
ただ、演説でアベとエイブ・リンカーンとの近似を示唆したり(慰安婦が「性奴隷」だと言われてる時にですよ)、会見ではキング牧師の「I Have A Dream」を文脈を無視して引用したり(ボルチモアで黒人層がこれは「夢の未来」ではないと抗議してる時にですよ)、そういうセンスはかなり危なかったしジョークもなんだか滑ってたし。そもそも議員たちは事前配布の手元のスクリプトに目を落とさねばあのブツ切り英語はよく聞き取れなかったのだと思います。
日本語の分かる欧米人は「自己責任」と聞くと「自分の行動に責任を持つ」という自身の覚悟のニュアンスとして、つまり立派なものとして受け止めるようです。でもそれをもし他者を責める言葉として使うならば、それは「It's your own fault」や「You were asking for it」というふうに言う。つまり日本で今使われる「自己責任」とはまさに「自業自得」という切り捨ての表出でしかないのですね。
場所=ShapeShifter Lab (18 Whitewell Place, Broklyn, NY=最寄駅はR線のユニオン・ストリート)
出演=Teruo Nakamura & the Rising Sun Band, with Monday Michiru (Vocal/Flute)
寄付願い=できれば10ドル以上を。小切手宛先は The Safety Channel。全額がモンロビアの「Providence Baptist Church Medical Center and Orphanage」へ寄付されます。
男性性への批判に対して男たちが反論するときに「Not All Men(男がみんな〜〜だとは限らない)」と切り出す決まり文句があります。それに対抗して女性たちがいま、直言や皮肉として逆に「そう、女はみんな〜〜だ」という合言葉の下、自分の経験した性暴力や性差別、嫌がらせや性的脅しなどの具体例を報告しているのです。その数すでに百数十万件。つまりここにあるのは圧倒的なジェンダーの不均衡です。男女間の暴力事案の被害者は圧倒的に女性が多く、加害者は圧倒的に男性が多いという事実の列挙です。
冒頭の「暴力にはジェンダーの別がある」というのは歴史家でもある作家レベッカ・ソルニットの新著「Men Explain Things to Me(私に物事を教える男たち)」の中の言葉です。今回の事件に関して彼女は「democracynow.org」という独立系の米ニュースサイトで「世界中で女性に対する性暴力が溢れている。なのにそれが人権の問題としてとらえられることは少ない」と論難しています。先のツイッターでの議論ではインドやアフリカ諸国などで多発する強姦事件や女性の人権無視も数多く言挙げされています。いやそれだけでなく、米テキサス州で「ビールとバイオレンスはドメスティックに限る!」と手書きの看板を出していたマッチョなバーもあることが報告されました。奨励される前者は国産ビール、後者は身内での暴力、特に女性への暴力のことです。
We apologize for disappointing many people by failing to include same-sex relationships in Tomodachi Life.
The company issued a formal apology Friday and promised to be "more inclusive" and "better [represent] all players" in future versions of the life simulation game. The apology comes after a wave of protests demanding the company include same-sex relationships in the game
Our position is not new. Secretary Hagel, our Defense Secretary, when he visited here, Secretary of State John Kerry when he visited here, both indicated what has been our consistent position throughout.(中略)So this is not a new position, this is a consistent one.
ね、2度も言ってるでしょ、not a new position ってこと。これは首尾一貫してること(a consistent one)だって。
それよりむしろオバマさんが自分で安倍首相に強調した( I emphasized with Prime Minister Abe)と言っていたことは「(中国との)問題を平和裏に解決する重要さ(the importance of resolving this issue peacefully)」であり「事態をエスカレートさせず(not escalating the situation)、表現を穏やかに保ち(keeping the rhetoric low)、挑発的な行動を止めること(not taking provocative actions)」だったのです。まるで中学生を諭す先生のような言葉遣いです。付け加えて「日中間のこの問題で事態がエスカレートするのを看過し続けることは深刻な誤り(a profound mistake)であると首相に直接話した(I’ve said directly to the Prime Minister )」とも。
さらにオバマさんは「米国は中国と強力な関係にあり、彼らは地域だけでなく世界にとって重大な国だ(We have strong relations with China. They are a critical country not just to the region, but to the world)」とも言葉にしているのですね。これはそうとう気を遣っています。
注目したいのは「中国が尖閣に何らかの軍事行動をとったときにはその防衛のために米軍が動くか」と訊いたCNNのジム・アコスタ記者への回答でした。オバマさんは「国際法を破る(those laws, those rules, those norms are violated)国家、子供に毒ガスを使ったり、他国の領土を侵略した場合には(when you gas children, or when you invade the territory of another country)必ず米国は戦争に動くべき(the United States should go to war)、あるいは軍事的関与の準備をすべき(or stand prepared to engage militarily)。だが、そうじゃない場合はそう深刻には考えない(we’re not serious about those norms)。ま、その場合はそういうケースじゃない(Well, that’s not the case.)」と答えているのです。
実は尖閣諸島に関しては、オバマさんは「日本の施政下にある(they have been administered by Japan)」という言い方をしました。これはもちろん日米安保条約の適用対象です。第5条には次のように書いてある;
Each Party recognizes that an armed attack against either Party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be dangerous to its own peace and security and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and processes.
でもその舌の根も乾かぬうちにオバマさんは一方でこの尖閣諸島の主権国については「We don’t take a position on final sovereignty determinations with respect to Senkakus」とも言っているのですね。つまりこの諸島の最終的な主権の決定(日中のどちらの領土に属するかということ)には私たちはポジションをとらない、つまり関与しない、判断しない、ということなのです。つまり明らかに、尖閣諸島は歴史的に現在も日本が施政下に置いている(administrated by Japan)領域だけれども、そしてそれは同盟関係として首尾一貫して安保条約の適用範囲である(the treaty covers all territories administered by Japan)けれど、主権の及ぶ領土かどうかということに関しては米国は留保する、と、なんだかよくわからない説明になっちゃっているわけです。わかります?
ディック・メッカーフ Dick Metcalf(67)という米国の銃器評論家の第一人者がいます。有名雑誌に連載を持ち、テレビでも自身の番組を持って最新銃器のレビューを行う大ベテラン。イェールやコーネル大学で歴史を教えてもいるその彼が昨年11月以降メディアから姿を消しました。なぜか? その経緯が新年早々のNYタイムズで記事になっていました。
果たしてニューヨークタイムズはじめ欧米主要紙の見出しは「国家主義者の首相が戦争神社 war shrine」を参拝した、というものでした。それは戦後体制への挑戦、歴史修正主義に見える。ドイツの新聞は、メルケル首相が同じことをしたら政治生命はあっという間に終わると書いてありました。英フィナンシャルタイムズは安倍首相がついに経済から「右翼の大義」の実現に焦点を移したと断言しました。
問題はアメリカです。クリスマス休暇中のオバマ政権だったにもかかわらず、参拝後わずか3時間(しかもアメリカ本土は真夜中から未明です。ケリー国務長官も叩き起こされたのでしょうか?)で出された米大使館声明(翌日に国務省声明に格上げされました)は、まるで親や先生や上司が子供や生徒や部下をきつく叱責する文言でした。だいたい「I am disappointed in you(きみには失望した)」と言われたら、言われたほうは真っ青になります。公式の外交文書でそういう文面だったら尚更です。
Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan's leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan's neighbors.
というか、すごく見下した英語です。ふつう、こんなことを友だちや恋人に言われたらヤバいです。もっと直截的にはここを受け身形にしないで、You disappointed me, つまり Japan's leadership disappointed the United States, とでもやられたらさらに真っ青になる表現ですが。ま、外交テキストとしてはよほどのことがない限りそんな文体は使わないでしょうね
The United States hopes that both Japan and its neighbors will find constructive ways to deal with sensitive issues from the past, to improve their relations, and to promote cooperation in advancing our shared goals of regional peace and stability.
We take note of the Prime Minister’s expression of remorse for the past and his reaffirmation of Japan's commitment to peace.
彼はまだ続けます。「今日は皆さんに、日本がもう一度儲かる国になる、23年の時を経てゴードンが金融界にカムバックしたように『Japan is back』だということをお話しするためにやってきました」。そして「ゴードン・ゲッコー風に申し上げれば、世界経済回復のためには3語で十分です。『Buy my Abenomics』」と……。
映画の続編で、慕ってくる青年にゲッコーが「Buy my book」つまりオレの本を買えばわかると言ったことに引っ掛けたわけですが、ゲッコーはその続編でも手痛いしっぺ返しを食らうのです。その文脈に沿えば、アベノミクスはしっぺ返しを食らう運命にあるってことの隠喩でしょ? これって自虐ジョークじゃないですか?
Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown
Published: July 21, 2013
RUSSIA’S president, Vladimir V. Putin, has declared war on homosexuals. So far, the world has mostly been silent.
On July 3, Mr. Putin signed a law banning the adoption of Russian-born children not only to gay couples but also to any couple or single parent living in any country where marriage equality exists in any form.
A few days earlier, just six months before Russia hosts the 2014 Winter Games, Mr. Putin signed a law allowing police officers to arrest tourists and foreign nationals they suspect of being homosexual, lesbian or “pro-gay” and detain them for up to 14 days. Contrary to what the International Olympic Committee says, the law could mean that any Olympic athlete, trainer, reporter, family member or fan who is gay — or suspected of being gay, or just accused of being gay — can go to jail.
Earlier in June, Mr. Putin signed yet another antigay bill, classifying “homosexual propaganda” as pornography. The law is broad and vague, so that any teacher who tells students that homosexuality is not evil, any parents who tell their child that homosexuality is normal, or anyone who makes pro-gay statements deemed accessible to someone underage is now subject to arrest and fines. Even a judge, lawyer or lawmaker cannot publicly argue for tolerance without the threat of punishment.
それより先の6月、プーチン氏はさらに別の反ゲイ法にも署名した。「同性愛の普及活動(homosexual propaganda)」をポルノと同じように分類する法律だ。この法は範囲が広く曖昧なので、生徒たちに同性愛は邪悪なことではないと話す先生たち、自分の子供に同性愛は普通のことだと伝える親たち、あるいはゲイへの支持を伝える表現を未成年の誰かに届くと思われる方法や場所で行った者たちなら誰でもが、いまや逮捕と罰金の対象になったのである。判事や弁護士や議会議員でさえも、処罰される怖れなくそれらへの寛容をおおやけに議論することさえできない。
Finally, it is rumored that Mr. Putin is about to sign an edict that would remove children from their own families if the parents are either gay or lesbian or suspected of being gay or lesbian. The police would have the authority to remove children from adoptive homes as well as from their own biological parents.
Not surprisingly, some gay and lesbian families are already beginning to plan their escapes from Russia.
Why is Mr. Putin so determined to criminalize homosexuality? He has defended his actions by saying that the Russian birthrate is diminishing and that Russian families as a whole are in danger of decline. That may be. But if that is truly his concern, he should be embracing gay and lesbian couples who, in my world, are breeding like proverbial bunnies. These days I rarely meet a gay couple who aren’t raising children.
なぜにプーチン氏はかくも決然と同性愛を犯罪化しているのだろうか? 自らの行動を彼は、ロシアの出生率が低下していてロシアの家族そのものが衰退しているからだと言って弁護している。そうかもしれない。しかしそれが本当に彼の心配事であるなら、彼はゲイやレズビアンのカップルをもっと大事に扱うべきなのだ。なぜなら、私に言わせれば彼らはまるでことわざにあるウサギたちのように子沢山なのだから。このところ、子供を育てていないゲイ・カップルを私はほとんど見たことがない。
And if Mr. Putin thinks he is protecting heterosexual marriage by denying us the same unions, he hasn’t kept up with the research. Studies from San Diego State University compared homosexual civil unions and heterosexual marriages in Vermont and found that the same-sex relationships demonstrate higher levels of satisfaction, sexual fulfillment and happiness. (Vermont legalized same-sex marriages in 2009, after the study was completed.)
Mr. Putin also says that his adoption ban was enacted to protect children from pedophiles. Once again the research does not support the homophobic rhetoric. About 90 percent of pedophiles are heterosexual men.
Mr. Putin’s true motives lie elsewhere. Historically this kind of scapegoating is used by politicians to solidify their bases and draw attention away from their failing policies, and no doubt this is what’s happening in Russia. Counting on the natural backlash against the success of marriage equality around the world and recruiting support from conservative religious organizations, Mr. Putin has sallied forth into this battle, figuring that the only opposition he will face will come from the left, his favorite boogeyman.
Mr. Putin’s campaign against lesbian, gay and bisexual people is one of distraction, a strategy of demonizing a minority for political gain taken straight from the Nazi playbook. Can we allow this war against human rights to go unanswered? Although Mr. Putin may think he can control his creation, history proves he cannot: his condemnations are permission to commit violence against gays and lesbians. Last week a young gay man was murdered in the city of Volgograd. He was beaten, his body violated with beer bottles, his clothing set on fire, his head crushed with a rock. This is most likely just the beginning.
レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアルの人々に対するプーチン氏の敵対運動は政治的失敗から注意を逸らすためのそれであり、政治的利得のためにナチの作戦本からそのまま採ってきた少数者の魔女狩り戦略なのだ。私たちは人権に対するこの戦争に関してなにも答えないままでいてよいのだろうか? プーチン氏は自らの創造物は自分でコントロールできると考えているかもしれないが、歴史はそれが間違いであることを証明している。彼の非難宣告はゲイやレズビアンたちへの暴力の容認となる。先週、州都ヴォルゴグラードで1人の若いゲイ男性が殺された。彼は殴打され、ビール瓶で犯され、衣服には火がつけられ、頭部は岩でつぶされていた。これは単なる始まりでしかないと思われる。
Nevertheless, the rest of the world remains almost completely ignorant of Mr. Putin’s agenda. His adoption restrictions have received some attention, but it has been largely limited to people involved in international adoptions.
This must change. With Russia about to hold the Winter Games in Sochi, the country is open to pressure. American and world leaders must speak out against Mr. Putin’s attacks and the violence they foster. The Olympic Committee must demand the retraction of these laws under threat of boycott.
In 1936 the world attended the Olympics in Germany. Few participants said a word about Hitler’s campaign against the Jews. Supporters of that decision point proudly to the triumph of Jesse Owens, while I point with dread to the Holocaust and world war. There is a price for tolerating intolerance.
Harvey Fierstein is an actor and playwright.
その新法は「スタンド・ユア・グラウンド(Stand Your Ground)」法といいます。「自分の拠って立つ土地を固守せよ/一歩も退くな」という意味の、自分の権利を自分で守る西部開拓時代の勇ましいモットーをその名に戴いた法律で、「不正な脅威が迫っているという正当な確信があれば人は自己防衛のための当然の力を行使してもよい」というものです。そこに必要なのは「自分が脅威だと感じた」という「正しい確信」であり、これまで問われていた「差し迫った脅威だったか?」「脅威に対して退避行動を取ったか?」「過剰防衛ではないか?」などの要件をクリアする必要はありません。
これは国際的には何の意味もありません。ただただ日本国内および自民党内のTPP反対派に示すためだけに安倍と官僚たちが捩じ込んだ作文です。現に米国の報道は日本での「成功」報道とはまったく違って冷めたものでした。基本的にほとんどのメディアが形式的にしか日米首脳内談に触れていませんが、NYタイムズはそんなネジくれまくった声明文を「たとえそうであっても、この貿易交渉のゴールは関税を撤廃する包括的な協定なのである(Even so, the goal of the trade talks is a comprehensive agreement that eliminates tariffs)」と明快です。もちろん自民党内の反対派だってこんな言葉の遊びでごまかされるほどアホじゃないでしょう。TPP参加は今後も安倍政権の火種になるはずです。
ROBIN ROBERTS: Mr. President. Thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about-- various issues. And it's been quite a week and it's only Wednesday. (LAUGH)
ROBIN ROBERTS: I'm sure it is. One of the hot button issues because of things that have been said by members of your administration, same-sex marriage. In fact, your press secretary yesterday said he would leave it to you to discuss your personal views on that. So Mr. President, are you still opposed to same-sex marriage?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well-- you know, I have to tell you, as I've said, I've-- I've been going through an evolution on this issue. I've always been adamant that-- gay and lesbian-- Americans should be treated fairly and equally. And that's why in addition to everything we've done in this administration, rolling back Don't Ask, Don't Tell-- so that-- you know, outstanding Americans can serve our country. Whether it's no longer defending the Defense Against Marriage Act, which-- tried to federalize-- what is historically been state law.
オバマ:まあ、そう、言っておかなければならないのは、前にも話したように私は、私はこの問題については進化を経てきたということです。前からずっと変わらず言ってきたのは、ゲイやレズビアンの、アメリカ人は公正に平等に扱われるべきだということです。ですからこの政権になって我々がいろいろやってきたことに加えて、ドント・アスク、ドント・テル【訳注:同性愛者だと明らかにしない限り米軍で働けるという施策】を廃止して、それでご存じのように、傑出した人材のアメリカ人がこの国のために(性的指向による除隊を心配せずに)働けるようになりました。それに政権としてはもう(連邦法の)結婚防衛法【訳注:オバマはDefense Against Marriage Actと言いマツがえているが、正確にはDefense of Marriage Act=DOMA】を擁護することはやめました。この法律は、結婚を連邦法で規定しようとしたものですが、これは歴史的にも州法の問題ですから。
I've stood on the side of broader equality for-- the L.G.B.T. community. And I had hesitated on gay marriage-- in part, because I thought civil unions would be sufficient. That that was something that would give people hospital visitation rights and-- other-- elements that we take for granted. And-- I was sensitive to the fact that-- for a lot of people, you know, the-- the word marriage was something that evokes very powerful traditions, religious beliefs, and so forth.
But I have to tell you that over the course of-- several years, as I talk to friends and family and neighbors. When I think about-- members of my own staff who are incredibly committed, in monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together. When I think about-- those soldiers or airmen or marines or -- sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf-- and yet, feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask, Don't Tell is gone, because-- they're not able to-- commit themselves in a marriage.
At a certain point, I've just concluded that-- for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that-- I think same-sex couples should be able to get married. Now-- I have to tell you that part of my hesitation on this has also been I didn't want to nationalize the issue. There's a tendency when I weigh in to think suddenly it becomes political and it becomes polarized.
And what you're seeing is, I think, states working through this issue-- in fits and starts, all across the country. Different communities are arriving at different conclusions, at different times. And I think that's a healthy process and a healthy debate. And I continue to believe that this is an issue that is gonna be worked out at the local level, because historically, this has not been a federal issue, what's recognized as a marriage.
ROBIN ROBERTS: Well, Mr. President, it's-- it's not being worked out on the state level. We saw that Tuesday in North Carolina, the 30th state to announce its ban on gay marriage.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well-- well-- well, what I'm saying is is that different states are coming to different conclusions. But this debate is taking place-- at a local level. And I think the whole country is evolving and changing. And-- you know, one of the things that I'd like to see is-- that a conversation continue in a respectful way.
I think it's important to recognize that-- folks-- who-- feel very strongly that marriage should be defined narrowly as-- between a man and a woman-- many of them are not coming at it from a mean-spirited perspective. They're coming at it because they care about families. And-- they-- they have a different understanding, in terms of-- you know, what the word "marriage" should mean. And I-- a bunch of 'em are friends of mine-- you know, pastors and-- you know, people who-- I deeply respect.
ROBIN ROBERTS: And it's very-- a difficult conversation to have.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Absolutely. But-- but I think it's important for me-- to say to them that as much as I respect 'em, as much as I understand where they're comin' from-- when I meet gay and lesbian couples, when I meet same-sex couples, and I see-- how caring they are, how much love they have in their hearts-- how they're takin' care of their kids. When I hear from them the pain they feel that somehow they are still considered-- less than full citizens when it comes to-- their legal rights-- then-- for me, I think it-- it just has tipped the scales in that direction.
And-- you know, one of the things that you see in-- a state like New York that-- ended up-- legalizing same-sex marriages-- was I thought they did a good job in engaging the religious community. Making it absolutely clear that what we're talking about are civil marriages and civil laws.
That they're re-- re-- respectful of religious liberty, that-- you know, churches and other faith institutions -- are still gonna be able to make determinations about what they're sacraments are-- what they recognize. But from the perspective of-- of the law and perspective of the state-- I think it's important-- to say that in this country we've always been about-- fairness. And-- and treatin' everybody-- as equals. Or at least that's been our aspiration. And I think-- that applies here, as well.
ROBIN ROBERTS: So if you were the governor of New York or legislator in North Carolina, you would not be opposed? You would vote for legalizing same-sex marriage?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I would. And-- and that's-- that's part of the-- the evolution that I went through. I-- I asked myself-- right after that New York vote took place, if I had been a state senator, which I was for a time-- how would I have voted? And I had to admit to myself, "You know what? I think that-- I would have voted yes." It would have been hard for me, knowing-- all the friends and family-- that-- are gays or lesbians, that for me to say to them, you know, "I voted to oppose you having-- the same kind of rights-- and responsibilities-- that I have."
And-- you know, it's interesting. Some of this is also generational. You know, when I go to college campuses, sometimes I talk to college Republicans who think that-- I have terrible policies on the-- the economy or on foreign policy. But are very clear that when it comes to same-sex equality or, you know-- sexual orientation that they believe in equality. They're much more comfortable with it.
You know, Malia and Sasha, they've got friends whose parents are same-sex couples. And I-- you know, there have been times where Michelle and I have been sittin' around the dinner table. And we've been talkin' and-- about their friends and their parents. And Malia and Sasha would-- it wouldn't dawn on them that somehow their friends' parents would be treated differently. It doesn't make sense to them. And-- and frankly-- that's the kind of thing that prompts-- a change of perspective. You know, not wanting to somehow explain to your child why somebody should be treated-- differently, when it comes to-- the eyes of the law.
ROBIN ROBERTS: I-- I know you were saying-- and are saying about it being on the local level and the state level. But as president of the United States and this is a game changer for many people, to hear the president of the United States for the first time say that personally he has no objection to same-sex marriage. Are there some actions that you can take as president? Can you ask your Justice Department to join in the litigation in fighting states that are banning same-sex marriage?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I-- you know, my Justice Department has already-- said that it is not gonna defend-- the Defense Against Marriage Act. That we consider that a violation of equal protection clause. And I agree with them on that. You know? I helped to prompt that-- that move on the part of the Justice Department.
Part of the reason that I thought it was important-- to speak to this issue was the fact that-- you know, I've got an opponent on-- on the other side in the upcoming presidential election, who wants to-- re-federalize the issue and-- institute a constitutional amendment-- that would prohibit gay marriage. And, you know, I think it is a mistake to-- try to make what has traditionally been a state issue into a national issue.
I think that-- you know, the winds of change are happening. They're not blowin'-- with the same force in every state. But I think that what you're gonna see is-- is-- is states-- coming to-- the realization that if-- if a soldier can fight for us, if a police officer can protect our neighborhoods-- if a fire fighter is expected to go into a burning building-- to save our possessions or our kids. The notion that after they were done with that, that we'd say to them, "Oh but by the way, we're gonna treat you differently. That you may not be able to-- enjoy-- the-- the ability of-- of passing on-- what you have to your loved one, if you-- if you die. The notion that somehow if-- if you get sick, your loved one might have trouble visiting you in a hospital."
You know, I think that as more and more folks think about it, they're gonna say, you know, "That's not who we are." And-- and-- as I said, I want to-- I want to emphasize-- that-- I've got a lot of friends-- on the other side of this issue. You know, I'm sure they'll be callin' me up and-- and I respect them. And I understand their perspective, in part, because-- their impulse is the right one. Which is they want to-- they want to preserve and strengthen families.
And I think they're concerned about-- won't you see families breaking down. It's just that-- maybe they haven't had the experience that I have had in seeing same-sex couples, who are as committed, as monogamous, as responsible-- as loving of-- of-- of a group of parents as-- any-- heterose-- sexual couple that I know. And in some cases, more so.
And, you know-- if you look at the underlying values that we care so deeply about when we describe family, commitment, responsibility, lookin' after one another-- you know, teaching-- our kids to-- to be responsible citizens and-- caring for one another-- I actually think that-- you know, it's consistent with our best and in some cases our most conservative values, sort of the foundation of what-- made this country great.
ROBIN ROBERTS: Obviously, you have put a lot of thought into this. And you bring up Mitt Romney. And you and others in your administration have been critical of him changing positions, feeling that he's doing it for political gain. You realize there are going to be some people that are going to be saying the same with you about this, when you are not president, you were for gay marriage. Then 2007, you changed your position. A couple years ago, you said you were evolving. And the evolution seems to have been something that we're discussing right now. But do you-- do you see where some people might consider that the same thing, being politics?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, if you-- if you look at my trajectory here, I've always been strongly in favor of civil unions. Always been strongly opposed to discrimination against gays and lesbians. I've been consistent in my overall trajectory. The one thing that-- I've wrestled with is-- this gay marriage issue. And-- I think it'd be hard to argue that somehow this is-- something that I'd be doin' for political advantage-- because frankly, you know-- you know, the politics, it's not clear how they cut.
In some places that are gonna be pretty important-- in this electoral map-- it may hurt me. But-- you know, I think it-- it was important for me, given how much attention this issue was getting, both here in Washington, but-- elsewhere, for me to go ahead, "Let's be clear. Here's what I believe." But I'm not gonna be spending most of my time talking about this, because frankly-- my job as president right now, my biggest priority is to make sure that-- we're growing the economy, that we're puttin' people back to work, that we're managing the draw down in Afghanistan, effectively. Those are the things that-- I'm gonna focus on. And-- I'm sure there's gonna be more than enough to argue about with the other side, when it comes to-- when it comes to our politics.
In recent years, Ted Haggard, an evangelical leader who preached that homosexuality was a sin, resigned after a scandal involving a former male prostitute; Larry Craig, a United States senator who opposed including sexual orientation in hate-crime legislation, was arrested on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men’s bathroom; and Glenn Murphy Jr., a leader of the Young Republican National Convention and an opponent of same-sex marriage, pleaded guilty to a lesser charge after being accused of sexually assaulting another man.
One theory is that homosexual urges, when repressed out of shame or fear, can be expressed as homophobia. Freud famously called this process a “reaction formation” — the angry battle against the outward symbol of feelings that are inwardly being stifled. Even Mr. Haggard seemed to endorse this idea when, apologizing after his scandal for his anti-gay rhetoric, he said, “I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war.”
It’s a compelling theory — and now there is scientific reason to believe it. In this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we and our fellow researchers provide empirical evidence that homophobia can result, at least in part, from the suppression of same-sex desire.
これは説得力のある考え方だ──そしていまそれは信じるに足る科学的な根拠を得ている。今月号のJournal of Personality and Social Psychology(『人格と社会心理学ジャーナル』)で、私と同僚の研究者たちは、ホモフォビアが、少なくともある程度以上に、同性への欲望の抑圧の結果であるという検証結果を提示している。
Our paper describes six studies conducted in the United States and Germany involving 784 university students. Participants rated their sexual orientation on a 10-point scale, ranging from gay to straight. Then they took a computer-administered test designed to measure their implicit sexual orientation. In the test, the participants were shown images and words indicative of hetero- and homosexuality (pictures of same-sex and straight couples, words like “homosexual” and “gay”) and were asked to sort them into the appropriate category, gay or straight, as quickly as possible. The computer measured their reaction times.
The twist was that before each word and image appeared, the word “me” or “other” was flashed on the screen for 35 milliseconds — long enough for participants to subliminally process the word but short enough that they could not consciously see it. The theory here, known as semantic association, is that when “me” precedes words or images that reflect your sexual orientation (for example, heterosexual images for a straight person), you will sort these images into the correct category faster than when “me” precedes words or images that are incongruent with your sexual orientation (for example, homosexual images for a straight person). This technique, adapted from similar tests used to assess attitudes like subconscious racial bias, reliably distinguishes between self-identified straight individuals and those who self-identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
Using this methodology we identified a subgroup of participants who, despite self-identifying as highly straight, indicated some level of same-sex attraction (that is, they associated “me” with gay-related words and pictures faster than they associated “me” with straight-related words and pictures). Over 20 percent of self-described highly straight individuals showed this discrepancy.
Notably, these “discrepant” individuals were also significantly more likely than other participants to favor anti-gay policies; to be willing to assign significantly harsher punishments to perpetrators of petty crimes if they were presumed to be homosexual; and to express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects (also measured with the help of subliminal priming). Thus our research suggests that some who oppose homosexuality do tacitly harbor same-sex attraction.
What leads to this repression? We found that participants who reported having supportive and accepting parents were more in touch with their implicit sexual orientation and less susceptible to homophobia. Individuals whose sexual identity was at odds with their implicit sexual attraction were much more frequently raised by parents perceived to be controlling, less accepting and more prejudiced against homosexuals.
It’s important to stress the obvious: Not all those who campaign against gay men and lesbians secretly feel same-sex attractions. But at least some who oppose homosexuality are likely to be individuals struggling against parts of themselves, having themselves been victims of oppression and lack of acceptance. The costs are great, not only for the targets of anti-gay efforts but also often for the perpetrators. We would do well to remember that all involved deserve our compassion.
Richard M. Ryan is a professor of psychology, psychiatry and education at the University of Rochester. William S. Ryan is a doctoral student in psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
これはとても難しい問題です。ゴールドマン・サックス、バンカメ、AIG……それらを潰すことは大変な社会的打撃をもたらすことになる。Too big to fail. リーマンは潰しましたが(そういえば北海道拓殖銀行もそうでした)、それ以上はまずい。これは究極の選択です。でもそれを許すと、彼らは巨大であることを担保に、ますます巨大になれるのだということです。どちらに転んでもやばい話です。でも、日本の戦後のあの農地解放の時はどうだったのでしょう? 大地主を廃止し、農地を小作農たちに解放した。あのドラスティックな農地改革と、大金融資本の解体とを比較することが間違っているのかどうか、私にはわかりません。でも、できないことではないんじゃないかと思うのです。財閥解体のときはどうだったんでしょう? もっとも、一国だけそういう巨大金融企業を解体したところで、ただその国の国際競争力が弱くなって他国の食い物になるだけの話なのは素人アタマでもわかります。だから解体も出来ない。
オバマさんが「I can do business with him」と言ったそうですが、これを「彼とは仕事ができる」と日本語に訳してもちょっと意味が曖昧です。「仕事」っていろいろありますけど、ビジネスというのは、取引、商売のことです。ジョブやワーク(何かを為すため、作り上げるために動くこと)ではない。それもアメリカの企図している事業のための取り引きであって日本の都合は関係ありません。そんなビジネス、取引、契約の相手としてノダはふさわしいというニュアンスが窺えるのです。
The story of America's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community is the story of our fathers and sons, our mothers and daughters, and our friends and neighbors who continue the task of making our country a more perfect Union. It is a story about the struggle to realize the great American promise that all people can live with dignity and fairness under the law. Each June, we commemorate the courageous individuals who have fought to achieve this promise for LGBT Americans, and we rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Since taking office, my Administration has made significant progress towards achieving equality for LGBT Americans. Last December, I was proud to sign the repeal of the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. With this repeal, gay and lesbian Americans will be able to serve openly in our Armed Forces for the first time in our Nation's history. Our national security will be strengthened and the heroic contributions these Americans make to our military, and have made throughout our history, will be fully recognized.
My Administration has also taken steps to eliminate discrimination against LGBT Americans in Federal housing programs and to give LGBT Americans the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. We have made clear through executive branch nondiscrimination policies that discrimination on the basis of gender identity in the Federal workplace will not be tolerated. I have continued to nominate and appoint highly qualified, openly LGBT individuals to executive branch and judicial positions. Because we recognize that LGBT rights are human rights, my Administration stands with advocates of equality around the world in leading the fight against pernicious laws targeting LGBT persons and malicious attempts to exclude LGBT organizations from full participation in the international system. We led a global campaign to ensure "sexual orientation" was included in the United Nations resolution on extrajudicial execution — the only United Nations resolution that specifically mentions LGBT people — to send the unequivocal message that no matter where it occurs, state-sanctioned killing of gays and lesbians is indefensible. No one should be harmed because of who they are or who they love, and my Administration has mobilized unprecedented public commitments from countries around the world to join in the fight against hate and homophobia.
At home, we are working to address and eliminate violence against LGBT individuals through our enforcement and implementation of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. We are also working to reduce the threat of bullying against young people, including LGBT youth. My Administration is actively engaged with educators and community leaders across America to reduce violence and discrimination in schools. To help dispel the myth that bullying is a harmless or inevitable part of growing up, the First Lady and I hosted the first White House Conference on Bullying Prevention in March. Many senior Administration officials have also joined me in reaching out to LGBT youth who have been bullied by recording "It Gets Better" video messages to assure them they are not alone.
This month also marks the 30th anniversary of the emergence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which has had a profound impact on the LGBT community. Though we have made strides in combating this devastating disease, more work remains to be done, and I am committed to expanding access to HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Last year, I announced the first comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States. This strategy focuses on combinations of evidence-based approaches to decrease new HIV infections in high risk communities, improve care for people living with HIV/AIDS, and reduce health disparities. My Administration also increased domestic HIV/AIDS funding to support the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and HIV prevention, and to invest in HIV/AIDS-related research. However, government cannot take on this disease alone. This landmark anniversary is an opportunity for the LGBT community and allies to recommit to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and continuing the fight against this deadly pandemic.
Every generation of Americans has brought our Nation closer to fulfilling its promise of equality. While progress has taken time, our achievements in advancing the rights of LGBT Americans remind us that history is on our side, and that the American people will never stop striving toward liberty and justice for all.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2011 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.
すべてはこの厄介な日本語という言語環境に起因する。この厄介さの何が困るかといって、まず第一は多くの学者たちが勉強をしないということである。かつて六、七年ほど以前、サイデンス・テッカーだったかドナルド・キーンだったかが日本文学研究の成果でなにかの賞を受けたとき、ある日本文学の長老が「外国人による日本文学研究は、いかによくできたものでもいつもなにか学生が一生懸命よくやりましたというような印象を与える」というようなことをあるコラムで書いた。これもいわば内輪話に属するものをなんの検証(考え)もなく漏らしてしまったという類のものだが、このうっかりの吐露は一面の真実を有している。『スイミングプール・ライブラリー』(アラン・ホリングハースト著、早川書房)の翻訳と、現在訳出を終えたポール・モネットの自伝『Becoming a Man(ビカミング・ア・マン--男になるということ)』(時空出版刊行予定)の夥しい訳註を行う作業を経てわたしが感じたことは、まさにこの文壇長老の意味不明の優越感と表面的にはまったく同じものであった。すなわち、「日本人による外国文学研究は、いかによくできたものであっても、肝心のことがわかっていない小賢しい中学生のリポートのような印象を与える」というものだったのである。フィクション/ノンフィクションの違いはあれ、前二者にはいずれも歴史上実在するさまざまな欧米の作家・詩人・音楽家などが登場する。訳註を作るに当たって日本のさまざまな百科事典・文学事典を参照したのだが、これがさっぱり役に立たなかった。歴史のある側面がそっくり欠落しているのだ。
ユダヤ系アメリカ人の伝統継承月間だった5月末、ユダヤ系オンラインサイトの記者に「イスラエルに関してコメントを」と請われ、勢いで「とっととパレスチナから出て行け(get the hell out of Palestine)」と答えてしまったヘレン・トーマスさんが記者引退に追い込まれました。私もワシントン出張の際に何度か会ったことのある今年で御年90歳の名物ホワイトハウス記者でした。
Both sides confirmed the intention to locate the replacement facility at the Camp Schwab Henoko-saki area and adjacent waters, with the runway portion(s) of the facility to be 1,800 meters long, inclusive of overruns, exclusive of seawalls.
日本語では「1800mの長さの滑走路」とある部分が英語では「the runway portion(s) of the facility to be 1,800 meters long」と、runway portion(滑走路部分)(s)となっています。つまり、複数形にもなり得ると書き置いているわけです。これはつまり、2006年の「現行案」と同じV字型滑走路に含みを持たせる表現でしょう。いったん土俵を割るとどこまでもずるずると下がってしまう、日本外交の粘りのなさがここにも現れてしまうのでしょうか。
Despite the contention over the base, most anger has been directed at Mr. Hatoyama’s flip-flopping on the issue, not the United States. Opinion polls suggest most Japanese back their nation’s security alliance with the United States.
だから、「主食」っていう概念もよくわからないんです。私たちは学校で「日本人の主食はご飯です」って教わりましたが、でも、そういうのを英語でなんと言うのか、そもそもそういう叙述が有効なのか、どうもしっくり来ないんです。We, the Japanese, live on rice. なんですけど、この live on というのが英語で使うかというと、「アメリカではパンが主食です」ってふうに言えるのか、また、live on の次にくるのがパンなのか肉なのかもじつはよくわからない。少なくとも「ご飯」とか「お米」とかがすんなり出てくるようには常識にはなっていない感じです。
CNET Japan
文:David Carnoy(CNET News) 翻訳校正:矢倉美登里、長谷睦
2010/01/21 12:24
Amazonが「Kindle Digital Text Platform(DTP)」を利用する作家や出版社に支払う印税を、電子書籍の表示価格の70%に引き上げると発表した。今回の動きは、米国時間1月27日にタブレット型端末を発表する可能性が濃厚なAppleに対する先制攻撃なのかもしれない。70%という印税率は従来の35%から大幅な引き上げとなるが、「App Store」でアプリを販売する開発者にAppleが支払う売上配分と同じであり、これは偶然の一致ではなさそうだ。
じつはこれには伏線があります。1月6日のNYタイムズに、ジョセフ・ナイが、この人はハーバード大の名誉教授でリベラル派の国際学者といわれてる人で、民主党のカーターやクリントン政権で外交や軍事政策に関わった専門家でもあるんですが、この重鎮が、普天間移設問題に関して寄稿して「some in Washington want to play hardball with the new Japanese government. But that would be unwise(ワシントンの一部には、日本の新政権に対して強硬な姿勢をとりたがっている連中がいるけれども、そりゃバカだ)」といって、「忍耐強く交渉にあたるよう求めた」(朝日新聞)のです。
Even if Mr. Hatoyama eventually gives in on the base plan, we need a more patient and strategic approach to Japan. We are allowing a second-order issue to threaten our long-term strategy for East Asia. Futenma, it is worth noting, is not the only matter that the new government has raised. It also speaks of wanting a more equal alliance and better relations with China, and of creating an East Asian community — though it is far from clear what any of this means.
When I helped to develop the Pentagon’s East Asian Strategy Report in 1995, we started with the reality that there were three major powers in the region — the United States, Japan and China — and that maintaining our alliance with Japan would shape the environment into which China was emerging. We wanted to integrate China into the international system by, say, inviting it to join the World Trade Organization, but we needed to hedge against the danger that a future and stronger China might turn aggressive.
The new tone also stems from a growing realization in Washington and Tokyo that the base issue cannot be allowed to dominate an alliance crucial to both countries at a time when a resurgent China is remaking Asia, signing trade deals and staking claims to ocean resources.
But Tuesday, Clinton was understanding.
"We are respectful of the process that the Japanese government is going through," she said. "We also have an appreciation for some of the difficult new issues that this government must address," including the widespread opposition to the U.S. military presence on Okinawa.
SEEN from Tokyo, America’s relationship with Japan faces a crisis. The immediate problem is deadlock over a plan to move an American military base on the island of Okinawa. It sounds simple, but this is an issue with a long back story that could create a serious rift with one of our most crucial allies.
When I was in the Pentagon more than a decade ago, we began planning to reduce the burden that our presence places on Okinawa, which houses more than half of the 47,000 American troops in Japan. The Marine Corps Air Station Futenma was a particular problem because of its proximity to a crowded city, Ginowan. After years of negotiation, the Japanese and American governments agreed in 2006 to move the base to a less populated part of Okinawa and to move 8,000 Marines from Okinawa to Guam by 2014.
The plan was thrown into jeopardy last summer when the Japanese voted out the Liberal Democratic Party that had governed the country for nearly half a century in favor of the Democratic Party of Japan. The new prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, leads a government that is inexperienced, divided and still in the thrall of campaign promises to move the base off the island or out of Japan completely.
The Pentagon is properly annoyed that Mr. Hatoyama is trying to go back on an agreement that took more than a decade to work out and that has major implications for the Marine Corps’ budget and force realignment. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates expressed displeasure during a trip to Japan in October, calling any reassessment of the plan “counterproductive.” When he visited Tokyo in November, President Obama agreed to a high-level working group to consider the Futenma question. But since then, Mr. Hatoyama has said he will delay a final decision on relocation until at least May.
Not surprisingly, some in Washington want to play hardball with the new Japanese government. But that would be unwise, for Mr. Hatoyama is caught in a vise, with the Americans squeezing from one side and a small left-wing party (upon which his majority in the upper house of the legislature depends) threatening to quit the coalition if he makes any significant concessions to the Americans. Further complicating matters, the future of Futenma is deeply contentious for Okinawans.
Even if Mr. Hatoyama eventually gives in on the base plan, we need a more patient and strategic approach to Japan. We are allowing a second-order issue to threaten our long-term strategy for East Asia. Futenma, it is worth noting, is not the only matter that the new government has raised. It also speaks of wanting a more equal alliance and better relations with China, and of creating an East Asian community — though it is far from clear what any of this means.
When I helped to develop the Pentagon’s East Asian Strategy Report in 1995, we started with the reality that there were three major powers in the region — the United States, Japan and China — and that maintaining our alliance with Japan would shape the environment into which China was emerging. We wanted to integrate China into the international system by, say, inviting it to join the World Trade Organization, but we needed to hedge against the danger that a future and stronger China might turn aggressive.
After a year and a half of extensive negotiations, the United States and Japan agreed that our alliance, rather than representing a cold war relic, was the basis for stability and prosperity in the region. President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto affirmed that in their 1996 Tokyo declaration. This strategy of “integrate, but hedge” continued to guide American foreign policy through the years of the Bush administration.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the United States-Japan security treaty. The two countries will miss a major opportunity if they let the base controversy lead to bitter feelings or the further reduction of American forces in Japan. The best guarantee of security in a region where China remains a long-term challenge and a nuclear North Korea poses a clear threat remains the presence of American troops, which Japan helps to maintain with generous host nation support.
Sometimes Japanese officials quietly welcome “gaiatsu,” or foreign pressure, to help resolve their own bureaucratic deadlocks. But that is not the case here: if the United States undercuts the new Japanese government and creates resentment among the Japanese public, then a victory on Futenma could prove Pyrrhic.
年末、TBSや東京FMや大阪MBSラジオなど、いろんなラジオ局から大統領がオバマになったアメリカの1年を振り返ってのコメントを求められました。オバマは「Change」と「Yes, we can」で大統領になったが、アメリカは変わったのか、うまく行っているのか、という質問です。それを5分とかで喋れと言われてもなかなかきちんと説明できなかったので(MBSは25分くれました、感謝)、ここでちょっと詳しくおさらいしてみることにします。
毎年10月11日は米国では「全米カミングアウトの日 National Coming-Out Day(全米カミングアウトの日)」とされています。もっとも、これはべつに政府が定めた記念日ではありません。アメリカのゲイ・コミュニティが、まだ自分をゲイだと言えない老若男女に「カム・アウトする(自分が同性愛者だと公言する)」ことを勧めようと定めた日です。今はゲイだけでなくLGBT(レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー)と総称される性的少数者全体のカムアウトを奨励する日として、この運動はカナダや欧州にも広がっています。
その制定21年目に当たる今年の10月11日(日)、快晴のワシントンDCで数万人の性的少数者とその支援者を集めて「The National Equality March(平等を求める全米政治行進)」が行われました。日本ではほとんど報じられませんが、性的少数者たちの人権問題は米国では最大の国内的政治課題の1つです。
ところで National Equality March のこの「平等」とは、現在最大の議論の的である「結婚権の平等」をめぐってスローガン化しました。同性愛者たちも同じ税金を払っている米国民なのだから、同性婚も異性婚と同じく、平等に認められて然るべきだという議論です。そこから、これまで取り残してきた「雇用条件の平等」や「従軍権の平等」も含めて、LGBTの人権を異性愛者たちと等しく認めよという大マーチが企画されたわけです。
もっとも、(前エントリーでも書きましたが)電子版でも「オプ・エド」という投稿ページでの掲載でしたから、鳩山氏の「寄稿」と勘違いするのもそう非難できません。でもなんだか変だった。なんでまたこんな時期(選挙直前の8月27日付)に唐突にこんなものをNYタイムズなんかに“寄稿”したのか意味がわからなかったからです。さらにおかしなことに、文末に「 Global Viewpoint/Tribune Media Service」と付記があった。これは通信社の配信を示唆します。テキストの冒頭には確かに「By Yukio Hatoyama」とあったが、それは筆者名のことであって寄稿ではないのではないか、と気づくべきでした。まあ、批判のネタを見つけたと気が急いたのでしょう。
とにかくあの“寄稿文”、NYタイムズの体裁では著者が By Yukio Hatoyama ってなってて、しかもOP-ED(opposite editorial page)っていう普通は寄稿などを載せるページに掲載してあるから、最初に報じた毎日が「鳩山側が寄稿した」ってとるのはまあ、宜なるかな、なんですがね、しかし、そういう寄稿文にしては不思議なことに、最後に「Global Viewpoint/Tribune Media Service」って添え書きがあるんですわ。これ、普通、コピーライトとか書き添える位置なんです。
ですから、私としては、この、何気なく付記されている「Tribune Media Servise」がサービス(仲介)したんじゃないのかね、って思ってる。鳩山論文の英文はもともとあるわけだから、それをトリビューンの部局が鳩山事務所の了解を取るか取らずか、これは重要ってことで配信頒布した。で、トリビューンかNYタイムズが(読売は「同紙」って書いてたけど、わたしとしてはトリビューンが配信してるならふつうは前者だろうなあと思う)字数の関係でずいぶんと端折って(じゃっかん、英単語の入れ替えもあるようだけど)、アメリカに関係する議論のありそうな部分だけを抜粋した。鳩山事務所としてはそこまで明確に抜粋引用の条件を提示していなかった(これは甘いけどね)、って感じなのではないのだろうか?
しかし、それにしても、NYタイムズが「By Yukio Hatoyama」として彼が直接寄稿したような体裁にしたのは、これはほんと、まずいと思う。 それも、最後の「Global Viewpoint/Tribune Media Service」の付記を、何の説明もしていないというのも、姑息な感を否めない。それとも、こういうの、今までたくさんやっていて、慣例になっていることで、わたしがたまたま見逃し続けていたってことだけの話なのかもしれないですが。
Forty years ago, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York City resisted police harassment that had become all too common for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Out of this resistance, the LGBT rights movement in America was born. During LGBT Pride Month, we commemorate the events of June 1969 and commit to achieving equal justice under law for LGBT Americans.
LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting contributions that continue to strengthen the fabric of American society. There are many well-respected LGBT leaders in all professional fields, including the arts and business communities. LGBT Americans also mobilized the Nation to respond to the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic and have played a vital role in broadening this country's response to the HIV pandemic.
Due in no small part to the determination and dedication of the LGBT rights movement, more LGBT Americans are living their lives openly today than ever before. I am proud to be the first President to appoint openly LGBT candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of an Administration. These individuals embody the best qualities we seek in public servants, and across my Administration -- in both the White House and the Federal agencies -- openly LGBT employees are doing their jobs with distinction and professionalism.
The LGBT rights movement has achieved great progress, but there is more work to be done. LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear of harassment, and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and respect.
My Administration has partnered with the LGBT community to advance a wide range of initiatives. At the international level, I have joined efforts at the United Nations to decriminalize homosexuality around the world. Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans. These measures include enhancing hate crimes laws, supporting civil unions and Federal rights for LGBT couples, outlawing discrimination in the workplace, ensuring adoption rights, and ending the existing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in a way that strengthens our Armed Forces and our national security. We must also commit ourselves to fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic by both reducing the number of HIV infections and providing care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS across the United States.
These issues affect not only the LGBT community, but also our entire Nation. As long as the promise of equality for all remains unfulfilled, all Americans are affected. If we can work together to advance the principles upon which our Nation was founded, every American will benefit. During LGBT Pride Month, I call upon the LGBT community, the Congress, and the American people to work together to promote equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to turn back discrimination and prejudice everywhere it exists.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
"Forty years ago this month, the gay rights movement began with the Stonewall riots in New York City, as gays and lesbians demanded an end to the persecution they had long endured. Now, after decades of hard work, the fight has grown into a global movement to achieve a world in which all people live free from violence and fear, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
"In honor of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month and on behalf of the State Department, I extend our appreciation to the global LGBT community for its courage and determination during the past 40 years, and I offer our support for the significant work that still lies ahead.
"At the State Department and throughout the Administration, we are grateful for our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees in Washington and around the world. They and their families make many sacrifices to serve our nation. Their contributions are vital to our efforts to establish stability, prosperity and peace worldwide.
"Human rights are at the heart of those efforts. Gays and lesbians in many parts of the world live under constant threat of arrest, violence, even torture. The persecution of gays and lesbians is a violation of human rights and an affront to human decency, and it must end. As Secretary of State, I will advance a comprehensive human rights agenda that includes the elimination of violence and discrimination against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
"Though the road to full equality for LGBT Americans is long, the example set by those fighting for equal rights in the United States gives hope to men and women around the world who yearn for a better future for themselves and their loved ones.
"This June, let us recommit ourselves to achieving a world in which all people can live in safety and freedom, no matter who they are or whom they love."
It will be interesting to see what, if any, statement Obama releases this month considering that most of his campaign promises to LGBT citizens remain unfulfilled.
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敬具、アマゾン・コム・アドヴァンテージ、メンバーサービス部 アシュリン・D
アネット・ベニング主演で映画にもなったオーガスティン・バロウズの「ハサミを持って突っ走る(Running with Scissors)」(アルコール中毒の父と夢想家でレズビアンの母が離婚、精神科医の家で暮らすことになった少年オーガスティンの奇妙な日々を描く青春回顧録)
リタ・メイ・ブラウンの現代レズビアン小説の嚆矢「ルビーフルーツ・ジャングル(Rubyfruit Jungle)」
ヴィクトリア朝のレズビアンを描いたラドクリフ・ヒルの古典的名作「孤独の泉(The Well of Loneliness)」
ミシェル・フーコーの「性の歴史、第1巻(The History of Sexuality, Vol. 1)」
E.M.フォスターの「モーリス」(2005 W.W. Norton版)
ジャン・ドミニク・ボービーの「潜水服は蝶の夢を見る(The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)」(1997 Knopf版)
ゲイの自伝として初めて全米図書賞を受賞(1992年)したポール・モネットの「Becoming A Man(男になるということ)」
ホモフォビアの社会的研究書である「The Dictionary of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience(ホモフォビアの辞書;世界のゲイ&レズビアンの体験の歴史)」
ヘンリー・ミラーの「北回帰線(Tropic of Cancer)」
ウィリアム・バローズの「裸のランチ(Naked Lunch)」
アナイス・ニンの「愛の日記:近親相姦(Incest: From 'A Journal of Love)」
E.M.フォスターの「モーリス」(2005 Penguin Classics版)
ジャン・ドミニク・ボービーの「潜水服は蝶の夢を見る(The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)」(2007 Vintage International版)
Finally tonight as promised, a Special Comment on the passage, last week, of Proposition Eight in California, which rescinded the right of same-sex couples to marry, and tilted the balance on this issue, from coast to coast.
Some parameters, as preface. This isn't about yelling, and this isn't about politics, and this isn't really just about Prop-8. And I don't have a personal investment in this: I'm not gay, I had to strain to think of one member of even my very extended family who is, I have no personal stories of close friends or colleagues fighting the prejudice that still pervades their lives.
And yet to me this vote is horrible. Horrible. Because this isn't about yelling, and this isn't about politics. This is about the human heart, and if that sounds corny, so be it.
If you voted for this Proposition or support those who did or the sentiment they expressed, I have some questions, because, truly, I do not understand. Why does this matter to you? What is it to you? In a time of impermanence and fly-by-night relationships, these people over here want the same chance at permanence and happiness that is your option. They don't want to deny you yours. They don't want to take anything away from you. They want what you want—a chance to be a little less alone in the world.
Only now you are saying to them—no. You can't have it on these terms. Maybe something similar. If they behave. If they don't cause too much trouble. You'll even give them all the same legal rights—even as you're taking away the legal right, which they already had. A world around them, still anchored in love and marriage, and you are saying, no, you can't marry. What if somebody passed a law that said you couldn't marry?
I keep hearing this term "re-defining" marriage. If this country hadn't re-defined marriage, black people still couldn't marry white people. Sixteen states had laws on the books which made that illegal in 1967. 1967.
The parents of the President-Elect of the United States couldn't have married in nearly one third of the states of the country their son grew up to lead. But it's worse than that. If this country had not "re-defined" marriage, some black people still couldn't marry black people. It is one of the most overlooked and cruelest parts of our sad story of slavery. Marriages were not legally recognized, if the people were slaves. Since slaves were property, they could not legally be husband and wife, or mother and child. Their marriage vows were different: not "Until Death, Do You Part," but "Until Death or Distance, Do You Part." Marriages among slaves were not legally recognized.
You know, just like marriages today in California are not legally recognized, if the people are gay.
And uncountable in our history are the number of men and women, forced by society into marrying the opposite sex, in sham marriages, or marriages of convenience, or just marriages of not knowing, centuries of men and women who have lived their lives in shame and unhappiness, and who have, through a lie to themselves or others, broken countless other lives, of spouses and children, all because we said a man couldn't marry another man, or a woman couldn't marry another woman. The sanctity of marriage.
What is this, to you? Nobody is asking you to embrace their expression of love. But don't you, as human beings, have to embrace... that love? The world is barren enough.
It is stacked against love, and against hope, and against those very few and precious emotions that enable us to go forward. Your marriage only stands a 50-50 chance of lasting, no matter how much you feel and how hard you work.
And here are people overjoyed at the prospect of just that chance, and that work, just for the hope of having that feeling. With so much hate in the world, with so much meaningless division, and people pitted against people for no good reason, this is what your religion tells you to do? With your experience of life and this world and all its sadnesses, this is what your conscience tells you to do?
With your knowledge that life, with endless vigor, seems to tilt the playing field on which we all live, in favor of unhappiness and hate... this is what your heart tells you to do? You want to sanctify marriage? You want to honor your God and the universal love you believe he represents? Then Spread happiness—this tiny, symbolic, semantical grain of happiness—share it with all those who seek it. Quote me anything from your religious leader or book of choice telling you to stand against this. And then tell me how you can believe both that statement and another statement, another one which reads only "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
You are asked now, by your country, and perhaps by your creator, to stand on one side or another. You are asked now to stand, not on a question of politics, not on a question of religion, not on a question of gay or straight. You are asked now to stand, on a question of love. All you need do is stand, and let the tiny ember of love meet its own fate.
You don't have to help it, you don't have it applaud it, you don't have to fight for it. Just don't put it out. Just don't extinguish it. Because while it may at first look like that love is between two people you don't know and you don't understand and maybe you don't even want to know. It is, in fact, the ember of your love, for your fellow person just because this is the only world we have. And the other guy counts, too.
This is the second time in ten days I find myself concluding by turning to, of all things, the closing plea for mercy by Clarence Darrow in a murder trial.
But what he said, fits what is really at the heart of this:
"I was reading last night of the aspiration of the old Persian poet, Omar-Khayyam," he told the judge. It appealed to me as the highest that I can vision. I wish it was in my heart, and I wish it was in the hearts of all: So I be written in the Book of Love; I do not care about that Book above. Erase my name, or write it as you will, So I be written in the Book of Love."
彼は裁判官に向かってこう言っています。「わたしは昨晩、昔のペルシャの詩人オマル・ハイヤームの強い願いについて読んでいました」と。「それはわたしの想像しうる至高の希求としてわたしに訴えかけてきました。それがわたしの心の中にあったなら、そしてそれがすべての人々の心の中にもあったならと願わざるを得ません。彼はこう書いています;故に、我が名は愛の書物(the Book of Love)の中に刻みたまえ。あの天上の記録(Book above)のことは関知せず。我が名が消されようが、好きに書かれようが、ただしこの愛の書物の中にこそは、我が名を記したまえ」
もう1つ、直前のヒラリーの「涙目」が女性たちをかき立てたのかもしれません。おまけに夫のビルまでが元大統領としては掟破りのオバマ口撃に参戦したのですから、クリントン世代の発奮もあったかもしれません。何て言ったかというと「オバマは上院議員になってからの議会での投票行動はヒラリーとまったく同じだ。それが何で彼女を自分とは違う旧体制の政治家だと批判するのか。Gimme a break, そんなフェアリーテイルは聞いたことがない!」──ふつうは大統領職をやった人間がこんな非難の言辞は吐かないというので各局のニュースコメンテイターはかなり今朝から批判的にこれを報じていたんですよ。Gimme a break! というのもかなりきつい言葉なんでね。冗談も休み休み言え、みたいな。フェアリーテイルはおとぎ話=嘘っぱちって意味です。
ビル・クリントンが指摘したようにアイオワ・ショック後のヒラリーは「旧体制政治家」の代表のようにエドワーズにまで攻撃されました。「毎日どうしてやる気満々で元気でいられるの?」と一般有権者に質問されて「It's not easy, It's not easy...(たいへん、ほんと、たいへん)」と心情を吐露した一昨日のヒラリーは、男たちにいじめられて歯を食いしばって耐える女性でした。わたしなんぞ、見ていて「こういうヒラリーは初めてだな」と、べつに肩入れしてないけどなんだかかわいそうに思った。しかもそれさえも新聞に「うそ泣き」とか言われてね、これはたまったもんじゃないわなあ。これ、ぜったい女性への侮蔑だよ。おまけにあのやり取りの翻訳、日本の新聞、けっこう間違ってるんだもんね。
"I have so many opportunities from this country. I just don't want to see us fall backwards, you know?"
"This is very personal for me. It's not just political. It's not just public. I see what's happening. And we have to reverse it,"
「Two years ago, I believed that civil unions were a fair alternative. Those beliefs, in my case, have since changed. The concept of a 'separate but equal' institution is not something that I can support.」
「I just could not bring myself to tell an entire group of our community they were less important, less worthy or less deserving of the rights and responsibilities of marriage than anyone else, simply because of their sexual orientation...I want for them the same thing that we all want for our loved ones. For each of them to find a mate, whom they love deeply and who loves them back. Someone who they can grow old together and share life's experiences.」
「Fire Pace, Hire Gays!(ペイスをクビにして、ゲイたちを軍に雇え)」なんてシュプレヒコール、ちゃんと韻を踏んでるんだもの。「Pace is immoral, Gays are fabulous」ってのも、不道徳はペースの方、ゲイはファビュラスなの!って意味ね。インピーチ・ブッシュというのもあります。これはブッシュを弾劾しろ、という意味。
"Well I've heard from a number of my friends and I've certainly clarified with them any misunderstanding that anyone had, because I disagree with General Pace completely. I do not think homosexuality is immoral. But the point I was trying to make is that this policy of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is not working. I have been against it for many years because I think it does a grave injustice to patriotic Americans who want to serve their country. And so I have called for its repeal and I'd like to follow the lead of our allies like, Great Britain and Israel and let people who wish to serve their country be able to join and do so. And then let the uniform code of military justice determine if conduct is inappropriate or unbecoming. That's fine. That's what we do with everybody. But let's not be eliminating people because of who they are or who they love."
"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts. I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way. As an individual, I would not want [acceptance of gay behavior] to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody else's wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not. We prosecute that kind of immoral behavior."
"In World War II, a British mathematician named Alan Turing led the effort to crack the Nazis' communication code. He mastered the complex German enciphering machine, helping to save the world, and his work laid the basis for modern computer science. Does it matter that Turing was gay? This week, Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said that homosexuality is "immoral" and that the ban on open service should therefore not be changed. Would Pace call Turing "immoral"?
Since 1993, I have had the rich satisfaction of knowing and working with many openly gay and lesbian Americans, and I have come to realize that "gay" is an artificial category when it comes to measuring a man or woman's on-the-job performance or commitment to shared goals. It says little about the person. Our differences and prejudices pale next to our historic challenge."
Q We're out of time, but a couple of issues I want to raise with you. Your daughter Mary, she's pregnant. All of us are happy. She's going to have a baby. You're going to have another grandchild. Some of the -- some critics, though, are suggesting, for example, a statement from someone representing Focus on the Family:
"Mary Cheney's pregnancy raises the question of what's best for children. Just because it's possible to conceive a child outside of the relationship of a married mother and father, doesn't mean it's best for the child."
Do you want to respond to that?
Q She's obviously a good daughter --
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I'm delighted -- I'm delighted I'm about to have a sixth grandchild, Wolf, and obviously think the world of both of my daughters and all of my grandchildren. And I think, frankly, you're out of line with that question.
Q I think all of us appreciate --
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I think you're out of -- I think you're out of line with that question.
Q -- your daughter. We like your daughters. Believe me, I'm very, very sympathetic to Liz and to Mary. I like them both. That was just a question that's come up and it's a responsible, fair question.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I just fundamentally disagree with your perspective.
この"out of line"というのは、「線を越えてる」「はみ出している」「出過ぎだ」「分(ぶ)をわきまえない」「常軌を逸している」「規則違反だ」っていう、かなりきつい意味の婉曲な言い回しですわな。つまりね、ほんとはチェイニー、「たわごとだ」「何を言ってるんだ、バカ」「言って良いことと悪いことがあるぞ」という脅しをしてるわけです。脅し。でも、本質は何かというと、このおやじ、逃げてるんだ。都合が悪くなるとこうして脅して逃げる。
フセインの処刑を報じるCNNが、awaiting the first picture of the excution released というテロップを映しながら中継をしていた。アンダーソン・クーパーが「手に入り次第、お見せします。もちろん局内で内容を検討した上、事前に警告もおこなってから放送します」といっていた。見せねばならないんだろうな。
そういえば先月は「乳がん啓発月間(breast cancer awareness month)」でした。タイムズスクエアのビルボードでもシンボルカラーのピンク色の啓発広告が目立ちました。キャンベルスープの赤い缶詰がピンク色になったり、ハードロックカフェがピンク色のピンを配ったりポラロイドがピンクのカメラを出したり、ほら、ぜんぶ自分のところの商品と関係づけたり販促とつなげたりしてるでしょ。昨年のハリケーン・カトリーナ災害ではFedexやMTVなどの企業が共同でキャンペーンを張ってボランティアを募り、休み期間の大学生らを大量にニューオリンズなどに送り込んだなんてこともありました(でもFedexって同性パートナーになんの保障もしてないわりとアンチゲイな企業です)。アップルがiPodの赤を発売してその売上の10ドル分をエイズ基金に寄付するという手法なんかはまんまズッポリとこれにあたりますよね。これは大人気で新たに8GB版も出したというニュースがまだ新しい。じつはこれ、「(PRODUCT)RED」というキャンペーンにアップルがのっかったもので、他にもアメックスの赤いカードとか、モトローラの赤い携帯とか、コンヴァースのシューズとかエンポリオ・アルマーニの赤い時計とかもあるんですわ。企業が乗り出すとほんとに社会の注目度が上がるし、それに顧客も応えるという双方向のコミュニケイティヴな関係がだんだん出来上がりつつある、という感じでしょうか。
テッド・ハガード(50)=写真上=という、全米3000万人もの信者を有する「福音派(Evangelical=エヴァンゲリオンの語源ですね)」のトップが、まあ、キリスト教保守派の総本山とも言うべき「全米福音教会協会(the National Association of Evangelicals=NAE)」の会長さんなんですけど、日本でいえば創価学会の池田大作みたいなひとですかね、このひとが、なんと3年間にわたって男性エスコート(プロの男娼です)と性的関係を続けていたってことを、このエスコートがばらしちゃったのです。うわっ、なに、それ? です。それだけでなくて、このハガードが覚せい剤(メタアンフェタミン)などの麻薬を使ってることも、「私のファンタジーは18歳から22歳くらいの大学生の男の子たち6人といっしょにセックスすることだ」なんて話してたこともばらしちゃった。おまけに「アート」と名乗ってこのエスコートに残していた伝言メッセージ(ボイスメール)も公開されました。麻薬を100ドルとか200ドル分、いますぐ手配できないかって言う話です。
「Luxuria identifies using the English word "transgender" and prefers feminine pronouns, titles, and adjectives.」
NYタイムズの劇評(10/14付け)は「Obviously, “Hell House” is a bring-your-own-irony sort of affair.(言うまでもなく、「ヘルハウス」は自らこの劇の皮肉を気づくためのもの)」と結んでいます。まあふつうそうでしょう。これで信仰に帰依しちゃうようなナイーヴなひとはとてもニューヨークでは生きていけないもの。ちなみにこの劇団、例のトム・クルーズの没頭する変形キリスト教集団「サイエントロジー」をおちょくった「A Very Merry Unauthorized Children’s Scientology Pageant」なんて劇をやってたりするようなところですし。
(ところで「hold your hand」の「hold」、日本語にならないって書いてて気づきました。握るのともちょっとちがう=ちなみに握手の英語はshakehandsで、これは取った手を揺する行為を指した言葉。Hold は「つなぐ」でも「取る」でもない、「保持する」って感じね。大和言葉、なし、ってホントかよ)
State's Highest Court Rules Against Gay Marriage
July 06, 2006
The state's highest court ruled Thursday that gay marriage is not allowed under state law.
In a 4-2 decision, the State Court of Appeals rejected arguments by same-sex couples throughout the state who said that state law violates their constitutional rights.
The court said New York's marriage law clearly limits marriage to between a man and a woman and any change in the law should come from the Legislature.
The case involved several lawsuits representing 44 gay and lesbian couples in the state.
Associate Judge Robert Smith wrote in the majority opinion wrote: "By limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples, New York is not engaging in sex discrimination. The limitation does not put men and women in different classes, and give one class a benefit not given to the other."
In a dissenting opinion, Chief Judge Judith Kaye said: "I am confident that future generations will look back on today's decision as an unfortunate misstep."
The cases decided Thursday were filed two years ago when high court judges in Massachusetts ruled same-sex couples there have the same rights to wed as straight couples.
Gay rights groups called the ruling a sad day for New York families, saying they are disappointed but that they are not giving up.
"It's so disheartening and so difficult to hear that the courts can't protect us, and we have to turn to the people," said plaintiff Cindy Blink.
They say they hope to have a gay marriage bill in front of state lawmakers by next year.
Both Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Governor George Pataki said they do not believe that same-sex marriage should be regulated by the courts.
Instead, they say it is a matter of changing the state's existing marriage law, a move that must be made in Albany.
"I haven't read the entire decision, but I just think it's right that any change in what has been the law of this state for over 200 years should be made by the elected representatives of the people and not by the court," said the governor.
"It's not the state's business who you can marry, and now, having said that, I also believe that it is up to the legislature to have laws. The governor and I will enforce whatever laws are on the books. And so I will personally campaign to change the law," said the mayor.
Democratic front-runner for governor Eliot Spitzer says he also supports gay marriage, which means if elected this fall, he could push for a law change.
The issue also has its detractors, including State Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno. He has said he will oppose any effort to legalize gay marriage.
前述したように、映画は温暖化に関するアル・ゴアの講義をそのままなぞるようにして進みます。講義の冒頭での自己紹介で、彼はまず自分の肩書きを「the Former Next President of the United States(前・次期合衆国大統領)」とイッパツ笑わせてから、地球温暖化の凄まじい推移と影響とを写真やグラフを多用して視覚的にわかりやすく解説してゆくわけです。
「We agree with everyone who named 'Brokeback Mountain' best picture」
だが、このカウボーイ同士のゲイの恋愛もの、そういうご年配の会員たちにとって、黙ってても観てくれる種類のものだろうかというと……。 「クラッシュは私たち自身が生きて働くこの業界をよく体現した映画だ( 'Crash' was far more representative of the our industry, of where we work and live)」とあるハリウッド関係者がNYタイムズの記事でコメントしています。対してブロークバックは「神聖なハリウッドのアイコン偶像に挑戦した、アカデミーのご年配方がそういうアメリカのカウボーイのイメージが壊れるのを観たいだろうかというと、答えは明らかだろう('Brokeback' took on a fairly sacred Hollywood icon, the cowboy, and I don't think the older members of the academy wanted to see the image of the American cowboy diminished.)」ということです。
脚本を書いたラリー・マクマートリーもまた「Perhaps the truth really is, Americans don't want cowboys to be gay,(きっと真実はたぶん本当に、アメリカ人はカウボーイがゲイであってはほしくないということなんだろう)」と「bittersweet」なオスカーの夜を振り返っています。
彼らは、これはだれにでも起きることで、たまたまその2人が男だったというに過ぎない、という意味でいっているのでしょうけれど(その証拠に、映画のポスターには「Love is a force of nature」とあるのです。ことさらに、「自然の力」である、と)、これって逆に、すごく危険じゃないですか。
October 18, 2005
Editorial 社説
Pointless Provocation in Tokyo
Fresh from an election that showcased him as a modernizing reformer, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan has now made a point of publicly embracing the worst traditions of Japanese militarism.
Yesterday he made a nationally televised visit to a memorial in central Tokyo called the Yasukuni Shrine. But Yasukuni is not merely a memorial to Japan's 2.5 million war dead.
The shrine and its accompanying museum promote an unapologetic view of Japan's atrocity-scarred rampages through Korea, much of China and Southeast Asia during the first few decades of the 20th century.
Among those memorialized and worshiped as deities in an annual festival beginning this week are 14 Class A war criminals who were tried, convicted and executed.
The shrine visit is a calculated affront to the descendants of those victimized by Japanese war crimes, as the leaders of China, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore quickly made clear.
Mr. Koizumi clearly knew what he was doing. He has now visited the shrine in each of the last four years, brushing aside repeated protests by Asian diplomats and, this time, an adverse judgment from a Japanese court.
No one realistically worries about today's Japan re-embarking on the road of imperial conquest.
But Japan, Asia's richest, most economically powerful and technologically advanced nation, is shedding some of the military and foreign policy restraints it has observed for the past 60 years.
This is exactly the wrong time to be stirring up nightmare memories among the neighbors. Such provocations seem particularly gratuitous in an era that has seen an economically booming China become Japan's most critical economic partner and its biggest geopolitical challenge.
Instead of appeasing this group, Mr. Koizumi needs to face them down, just as he successfully faced down the party reactionaries who opposed his postal privatization plan.
さらに、Ballmer 氏の通信は、雇用差別禁止連邦法に性的指向による差別禁止条項を加えることを支持している企業に Microsoft も仲間入りする意向だとも記している。連邦の雇用差別禁止法は、すでに人種/性別/国籍/宗教/年齢/身体障害による雇用差別を禁じているが、性的指向による差別も禁止すべきだという声も増えており、Microsoft もそれに賛同したことになる。
Microsoft Changes Stand on Gay Issues
By internetnews.com Staff
After withdrawing its support for a pending gay rights bill in Washington State, Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has changed its mind.
In an e-mail to employees Friday, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said after thinking the issue over -- such as whether it was appropriate for a public corporation to get involved in such public policy discussions -- he decided to err on the side of diversity.
"Regardless of where people came down on the issues, everyone expressed strong support for the company's commitment to diversity," Ballmer's memo said. "To me, that's so critical. Our success depends on having a workforce that is as diverse as our customers -- and on working together in a way that taps all of that diversity."
Microsoft said it released the memo to the public in response to widespread public interest in the company's position about the anti-discrimination legislation.
Although Microsoft is among the earliest companies to extend company benefits to same-sex partners, a prior memo from Ballmer, explaining why Microsoft decided to remain neutral on an anti-discrimination bill in Washington State, sparked an uproar among gay rights groups.
"I said in my April 22 e-mail that we were wrestling with the question of how and when the company should engage on issues that go beyond the software industry. After thinking about this for the past two weeks, I want to share my decision with you and lay out the principles that will guide us going forward," Ballmer said.
"First and foremost, we will continue to focus our public policy activities on issues that most directly affect our business, such as Internet safety, intellectual property rights, free trade, digital inclusion and a healthy business climate."
But after looking at the question from all sides, Ballmer said he concluded that diversity in the workplace is also an important issue for the company.
"Therefore, it's appropriate for the company to support legislation that will promote and protect diversity in the workplace."
In addition, the memo said Microsoft would join other companies in supporting federal legislation that would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation -- adding sexual orientation to the existing law that already covers race, sex, national origin, religion, age and disability.
"Obviously, the Washington State legislative session has concluded for this year, but if legislation similar to HB 1515 is introduced in future sessions, we will support it."
Microsoft C.E.O. Explains Reversal on Gay Rights Bill
By SARAH KERSHAW (記者署名サラ・カーショー)
Published: April 24, 2005
SEATTLE, April 23 - The chief executive of Microsoft, Steven A. Ballmer, sent what company officials described as an unusual e-mail message on Friday evening to roughly 35,000 employees in the United States, defending Microsoft's widely criticized decision not to support an antidiscrimination bill for gay people in Washington State this year.
The e-mail message came as company officials, inundated by internal messages from angry employees, withering attacks on the Web and biting criticism from gay rights groups, sought to quell rancor following the disclosure this week that the company, which had supported the bill in past years, did not do so this year. Critics argue that the decision resulted from pressure from a prominent local evangelical Christian church.
In his message, posted on several Web logs on Saturday and confirmed by company officials, Mr. Ballmer wrote that he had done "a lot of soul searching over the past 24 hours." He said that he and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, both personally supported the bill but that the company had decided not to take an official stance on the legislation this year. He said they were pondering the role major corporations should play in larger social debates.
"We are thinking hard about what is the right balance to strike - when should a public company take a position on a broader social issue, and when should it not?" he wrote. "What message does the company taking a position send to its employees who have strongly held beliefs on the opposite side of the issue?"
The bill, which has been debated in the Legislature for years and would have extended protections against discrimination in employment, housing and other areas to gay men and lesbians, failed by one vote on Thursday.
Critics, including some Microsoft employees and a state legislator, who said they had conversations with company officials about their decision, said a high-level Microsoft executive had indicated that the company withdrew its support because of pressure from a local minister, Ken Hutcherson. Dr. Hutcherson opposed the bill and said he had threatened a national boycott of Microsoft.
Company officials have denied any connection between the threatened boycott and their decision not to support the bill.
Microsoft, which is based in Redmond, Wash., east of Seattle, has long been known for being at corporate America's forefront on gay rights, extending employee benefits to same-sex couples. In his e-mail message, Mr. Ballmer said, "As long as I am C.E.O., Microsoft is going to be a company that is hard-core about diversity, a company that is absolutely rigorous about having a nondiscriminatory environment, and a company that treats every employee fairly."
Mr. Ballmer described the antidiscrimination measure as posing a "very difficult issue for many people, with strong emotions on all sides." He wrote, "both Bill and I actually both personally support this legislation," adding, "but that is my personal view, and I also know that many employees and shareholders would not agree with me."
Blogs and chat rooms on the Web were filled Saturday with lively debate about Microsoft's actions, including postings from people who said they would now buy products from other software companies and encourage others to do the same.
One posting Friday on a Web log run by "Microsophist," who promises "an unfiltered and unfettered view of Microsoft from the inside," said of Mr. Ballmer's memo: "When I read the mail, I felt some relief (the situation wasn't as bad as I'd first thought) followed by disappointment as he's basically saying he doesn't want to do anything that might cross the religious right."
A gay Microsoft employee who read the e-mail message from Mr. Ballmer on Saturday and spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution said: "Overall it's a good thing that Steve is reaffirming the company's commitment to it's internal anti-discrimination policies. But I'm disappointed that he would give equal weight to the views of employees or shareholders who would condone discrimination as to those who would be the subject of discrimination."
ゲイの娘を持つチェイニーは、そのマリーさんが聴衆の中にいたということばかりではなく、本来はそんなものを憲法で禁止するなんていうブッシュ政権の方針には政治家としてよりも父親として組みしがたいところがあったんでしょう。エドワーズが「娘さんのこともあろうから、これに関しては副大統領も同じ思い(憲法で禁止すべきではないということ)だと思います」と言ったに対して、30秒の持ち時間があったにもかかわらず彼は単に「ありがとう、わたしの家族のことを気にかけてくれて」とのみ答えるだけでした。対してエドワーズも了解済みという顔で頷きながら「You are welcome」を何度も繰り返していました。